Magical Moments continued - part 2
All is well, the wolves haven't spotted us and run off. Panda is safely tucked away in the gangline.
Surprising enough the dogs don't seem overly excited or even afraid. We cruised through the pack like they were just dogs. We had three wolves leap
into the bush right beside us, the others came up over the river bank and when they spotted us you could see the panic in their eyes. Causing them to
leap over the snowbank and vanish into the trees.
For the first time ever my well behaved leader, Kiska, wants to follow them. With a bit of persuasion she is back onto the trail. We come through the second set of trees at warp speed, but no mishaps. I just couldn't resist and stopped the team, maybe they would come out and I could get a picture of them. Not a chance! Maybe if we howl, they would come out and we could see them again. They barked at us then howled back at us, but they would not show themselves. Again Kiska wanted to turn around and follow them. I straightened the team out and off we went back on the trail. Every time we would stop, we could hear them serenade us. By the sound of it they were running beside us, they followed us right back to the truck.
I unhooked the dogs and sat on the tailgate watching the trail hoping to catch a glimpse of the wolves again. The dogs were watching the trail intently and a couple of times something crossed the trail, but we couldn't see them clearly.
What an excellent run, an added bonus of seeing five gray wolves and three black ones. I'd say that was a truly magical moment, I hope we have many more in the years to come. Many Trails.